The incredibly beautiful and talented model and photographer SylvainNorget. I am planning a painting of him & he has kindly agreed to collaborate with me on the project. In the meantime, check out his extraordinary work here -
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
HAPPY TUESDAY! I'm posting the image that got my personal profile deleted off Facebook. Dingy world when something this innocent gets seen as offensive!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Slowly but surely reaching the goal in the petition to restore my work on Facebook! Here's Monday's hottie.... It should be a crime for anyone to look like this!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Part of my effort to create "green" art. Papier mache casts get made from a plasticine sculpture. I will post the progression of these soon. I've done this frontal view, a back view and will start on a chest/torso soon.
Great to have a hottie of the day and not have to worry that it won't be approved of!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Current work in my studio. An oil on canvas triptych of model and photographer Lars Stephan.
Well, the cencorship of my work on Facebook has created quite a stir! A petition has been launched in my name. I would greatly appreciate it if tons of people would sign it.
I had a group featuring my art on Facebook. It went well for over a year. Just recently someone started reporting photos on my personal profile. They managed to get my profile deleted. They then started with my art group. Today all the photos in my group of my work were deleted. Being called inapropriate. I can't help thinking - homophobia...
This blog contains images of beautiful men, sometimes with very little or no clothes on. It also features my work, my depiction of beautiful men. If you are offended by the human body in it's natural state, please leave my blog. For views of my completed work please visit my official website -